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October 2024

Common bird’s-foot trefoil


Common bird's-foot trefoil Eggs and bacon! The bird's-foot trefoil (scientific name Lotus corniculatus) belongs to the Fabaceae family. It is a striking and widespread plant in grasslands. The leaves are trifoliate, like those of clover , the flowers are clustered in yellow-orange inflorescences , and the fruits are legumes ending in a small horn (hence the name corniculatus, from the Latin "cornu," meaning horn). The caterpillars of some butterflies feed on this plant. Butterflies visit the flower for nectar, but pollination is reserved for other insects, like bees or wasps, which can force the petals apart to reach the staminal [...]

Common bird’s-foot trefoil2024-10-10T16:22:16+02:00

September 2024

Privet Hawk Moth


Privet Hawk Moth A winged sphinx... The Privet Hawk Moth (Sphinx ligustri) is a beautiful moth belonging to the Sphingidae family. The forewings are grayish-brown, while the hindwings display a pinkish color with black stripes. Black and reddish stripes also alternate on its abdomen. As its name suggests, its caterpillar lives on privet , but it can also be found on olive trees and other plants. These moths love warm, bushy environments. They are active after dusk , while during the day, they remain hidden among the foliage. In autumn, the caterpillars burrow into the soil, where they create small [...]

Privet Hawk Moth2024-10-10T16:14:54+02:00

Purple Willow


Purple Willow The purple willow (Salix purpurea, family Salicaceae) is a shrub that grows 3-4 meters tall. It thrives along rivers and streams, and can even grow in the damp sands of riverbeds that are periodically flooded. It is found from lowlands up to altitudes of 1800 meters. Its branches are long and slender, while the leaves are lance-shaped and measure 4-12 cm in length. It can easily be confused with other willow species, with which it often shares its habitat. The flowers are inconspicuous, grouped in catkins, and appear in early spring. They are one of the first sources [...]

Purple Willow2024-10-10T16:12:35+02:00

Dyer’s Broom The dyer’s greenweed


Dyer's Broom The dyer's greenweed Dyer’s Broom (Genista tinctoria, Fabaceae family) is a small shrub with vibrant golden-yellow flowers . Its name "tinctoria" comes from the yellow color, as since Roman times, a dye was extracted from its flowering stems and used to color fabrics such as wool, linen, and cotton. Dyer’s Broom grows wild in grassy areas, often on hilly or mountainous terrains. The flowers form in clusters and appear in summer, attracting pollinators like bees and butterflies . The fruits are pods about 2-3 cm long, containing dark green seeds. Today, the plant is mainly used for ornamental [...]

Dyer’s Broom The dyer’s greenweed2024-10-10T16:10:06+02:00

Buff-tailed Bumblebee Pollinating with a Buzz


Buff-tailed Bumblebee Pollinating with a Buzz The Buff-tailed Bumblebee (Bombus terrestris) is a hymenopteran insect of the Apidae family. It is one of the most common bumblebee species in Europe. The body is black and covered in hair with two yellow stripes; it has two pairs of wings and flies with a characteristic buzzing sound. Only the females have stingers and can sting multiple times, though they are rarely aggressive. Since males have very similar colors, predators, just to be safe, tend to stay away from both sexes... Bumblebees collect nectar and pollen from flowers ; many types of plants [...]

Buff-tailed Bumblebee Pollinating with a Buzz2024-10-10T16:00:09+02:00

Green Infrastructure Strategy


The European Commission has developed a #GreenInfrastructureStrategy, aimed to ensure that the protection, restoration, creation and enhancement of green infrastructure become an integral part of spatial planning and territorial development. #LIFEprogramme #LIFEproject #EUPollinators LIFE Programme EU Environment EU Climate Action Ecosystem Services Partnership Rewilding Europe Università Ca' Foscari Venezia Little Green Space Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Network - BES-Net

Green Infrastructure Strategy2024-09-05T10:00:03+02:00

August 2024

Green infrastructure


#Greeninfrastructure, what is it? Green Infrastructure is a network of natural and semi-natural areas designed and managed to deliver a wide range of #ecosystemservices such as water purification, air quality, space for recreation and climate mitigation and adaptation. #LIFEprogramme #LIFEproject #EUPollinators LIFE Programme EU Environment EU Climate Action Ecosystem Services Partnership Rewilding Europe Università Ca' Foscari Venezia Little Green Space Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Network - BES-Net

Green infrastructure2024-09-05T09:53:10+02:00

Polistes gallicus – The House of Paper


Polistes gallicus The House of Paper This paper wasp (Polistes gallicus, family Vespidae) is very common in Europe. It is smaller than other species of wasps and has a black body with thin yellow stripes. It is a "paper wasp" because its nest has a consistency similar to cardboard, made from a secretion of saliva and chewed plant fibers. Typically, the nest is suspended from a rock or under the eaves of houses by a stalk; it is very sturdy and can support several kilograms of tension! The wasp is omnivorous and feeds on fruits, nectar , insects, snails, etc. [...]

Polistes gallicus – The House of Paper2024-08-20T10:43:53+02:00

Midland hawthorn – The Fairy Tree


Midland hawthorn The Fairy Tree The Midland hawthorn (Crataegus laevigata) is a tree that can grow up to 6-9 meters tall, very similar to the common hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna). Despite having long thorns and extremely hard wood, it remains a symbol of delicacy and beauty. The white flowers emit a sweet, delicate fragrance and attract pollinating insects . The round, red fruits provide winter food for birds. Did you know? Even in prehistoric times, people ate hawthorn fruits : their pits have been found in prehistoric settlements. In Celtic tradition, it is a plant associated with fairies and their abode. [...]

Midland hawthorn – The Fairy Tree2024-08-20T10:41:19+02:00

July 2024

Hummingbird Hawk-Moth


Hummingbird Hawk-Moth The hummingbird hawk-moth (Macroglossum stellatarum) is a small moth belonging to the Sphingidae family. It has a wingspan of 50 mm; the forewings are brownish-gray with black lines. This moth, rather stout and robust, is often mistaken for a bumblebee during flight. It feeds on the nectar of numerous flower species using its very long proboscis, which can reach 26 mm in length, much like a straw . The caterpillars , which are a striking green color, have a characteristic blue posterior horn. Did you know? It is also called the “Hummingbird Moth” because its wings beat incredibly [...]

Hummingbird Hawk-Moth2024-08-20T10:36:59+02:00
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