March 2023

Wild chicory


Wild chicoryFrom chicory to... coffee! Wild chicory, also known as radicchio, is a perennial herbaceous plant (scientific name Cichorium intybus). It belongs to the large Composite family.For at least three centuries, throughout Europe the leaves of this plant were considered valuable as vegetables and forage. The coffee obtained from chicory roots is also known as "Coffee of Prussia": it owes its name to Frederick II of Prussia who favored its production in the 18th century.Wild chicory has a very long flowering season, even lasting until late autumn when most of the summer flowers have faded.The flowers, of a beautiful light blue [...]

Wild chicory2023-03-15T10:26:24+01:00



ApolloA "divine" butterfly ?☀️The apollo butterfly (Parnassius apollo, family Papilionidae) generally lives above 1200 m of altitude and is found on some of the highest mountains in Europe and Asia. It is in fact a species that survived the last ice age, taking refuge at high altitudes. Loves sunny sites and forest clearings.Its name comes from Apollo, the Greek god of the sun ☀️.Apollo is a large and beautiful butterfly ?, with a wingspan between 5 and 8 cm. It has a white background color and 4 circular spots (ocelli) of intense red color on the hind wings, partly visible even [...]


White willow


White willowA plant rich in medicinal virtues The white willow (Salix alba, family Salicaceae) is a large, fast-growing tree,it reaches a height of 6 to 25 meters and the trunk can have a diameter of 1 meter. It is a plant that needs moist, muddy or sandy soil, and can also remain submerged in water from time to time. It is in fact one of the most common trees along the banks of waterways.If moved by the wind, the mane of the white willow stands out for the silver reflection of its leaves.Bloom takes place in early spring, between March and [...]

White willow2023-03-15T10:07:55+01:00
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