April 2023

The dog rose 👑🌸🌹


The dog roseThe queen of the woods The dog rose (Rosa canina, family Rosaceae) is one of several species of wild rose. It can reach 2-3 meters in height and sometimes form impenetrable hedges. It has downward curved branches and sturdy hooked spines. Flowers with delicate corollas appear from May to June; their color varies from pink to white and they have a subtle, barely perceptible scent. Of this species alone there are dozens of different varieties and forms. The fruits (false fruits) ripen in October-November and are rich in vitamin C. Dog rose is the ideal environment for birds [...]

The dog rose 👑🌸🌹2024-08-02T17:48:59+02:00

Marshmallow 🍡🌱🌸


Marshmallow ???Marshmallow (Althaea officinalis) belongs to the large Malvaceae family. In fact, it is also known by the name "bismalva", meaning "twice mallow", due to the effectiveness of its active ingredients similar to those of mallow. It is a perennial herbaceous plant, bushy, 40-120 cm tall. It lives in damp, cool places along watercourses or ditches, up to 1200 m of altitude. The flowers are large and showy, white or pink, with five heart-shaped petals. They are greatly appreciated by bees . Marshmallow arrived in Europe from the Asian steppes long before the Christian era and acclimatised easily. It was cultivated [...]

Marshmallow 🍡🌱🌸2024-08-02T17:49:21+02:00

March 2023

Violet carpenter bee 🐝🌼


Violet carpenter bee The Violet carpenter bee (Xylocopa violacea) is a large solitary bee of the Apidae family. It is up to 3-4 centimeters long and its body is entirely black and hairy, with electric blue highlights on the wings. Its flight is fast and noisy . Carpenter bees do not form colonies but prefer to live alone. Females dig tunnels in soft or rotten wood to build their nests, even in the roof beams of houses. For this characteristic they are called "carpenter". They are found in gardens, meadows and flowering bushes, even on the edge of woods. Both [...]

Violet carpenter bee 🐝🌼2024-08-02T17:49:36+02:00

The events of the LIFE PollinAction project aimed at citizens started in Cartigliano and Caldogno


The events of the LIFE PollinAction project aimed at citizens started in Cartigliano and Caldogno, with good participation from attendees. We look forward to seeing you at the upcoming events! #LIFEprogramme #pollinators #bees LIFE Programme

The events of the LIFE PollinAction project aimed at citizens started in Cartigliano and Caldogno2023-03-21T08:41:53+01:00



Yarrow Soldier's weed Yarrow (scientific name Achillea millefolium) is a plant of the Asteraceae family. It is common in meadows along roadsides and in hay meadows. It has a stiff and slender stem that can reach 30-50 cm. The name "millefolium" refers to the leaves repeatedly divided into narrow and very numerous lobes . Its inflorescences are very large and are a blast for the insects who pass from one flower to another without any effort, carrying the pollen grains unaware. Did you know? The legendary Greek hero Achilles would have used this plant to heal his wounds, following the [...]


Eucera longicornis


Eucera longicornis Tricked by an orchid ?? This bee belongs to the Anthophoridae family; it is a solitary bee, that is, it does not possess any form of social life. Each female bee builds her own nest where she lays her eggs. Eucera longicornis often nests in groups on the ground. It is a medium-large bee (14-16 mm); the males are distinguished by the exceptional length of their antennae. There are several species of Eucera very similar to each other, especially in the Mediterranean area. ⁉️ Did you know? ? Ophrys apifera is an orchid that attracts Eucera males for [...]

Eucera longicornis2023-03-15T10:30:18+01:00

Wild chicory


Wild chicoryFrom chicory to... coffee! Wild chicory, also known as radicchio, is a perennial herbaceous plant (scientific name Cichorium intybus). It belongs to the large Composite family.For at least three centuries, throughout Europe the leaves of this plant were considered valuable as vegetables and forage. The coffee obtained from chicory roots is also known as "Coffee of Prussia": it owes its name to Frederick II of Prussia who favored its production in the 18th century.Wild chicory has a very long flowering season, even lasting until late autumn when most of the summer flowers have faded.The flowers, of a beautiful light blue [...]

Wild chicory2023-03-15T10:26:24+01:00



ApolloA "divine" butterfly ?☀️The apollo butterfly (Parnassius apollo, family Papilionidae) generally lives above 1200 m of altitude and is found on some of the highest mountains in Europe and Asia. It is in fact a species that survived the last ice age, taking refuge at high altitudes. Loves sunny sites and forest clearings.Its name comes from Apollo, the Greek god of the sun ☀️.Apollo is a large and beautiful butterfly ?, with a wingspan between 5 and 8 cm. It has a white background color and 4 circular spots (ocelli) of intense red color on the hind wings, partly visible even [...]


White willow


White willowA plant rich in medicinal virtues The white willow (Salix alba, family Salicaceae) is a large, fast-growing tree,it reaches a height of 6 to 25 meters and the trunk can have a diameter of 1 meter. It is a plant that needs moist, muddy or sandy soil, and can also remain submerged in water from time to time. It is in fact one of the most common trees along the banks of waterways.If moved by the wind, the mane of the white willow stands out for the silver reflection of its leaves.Bloom takes place in early spring, between March and [...]

White willow2023-03-15T10:07:55+01:00
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