July 2023

Manna ash The Manna Tree 🌳🍯


Manna ash The Manna Tree The manna ash (scientific name Fraxinus ornus) is a tree native to southern Europe and can reach a height of 24 meters. The flowers appear before the leaves and are grouped in panicles. They are small, cream-white, fragrant flowers with 4 petals. The fruits are called samaras, composed of a seed wrapped in a kind of wing. It thrives in sunny areas, with hot summers and mild winters, and is often associated with the Mediterranean scrubland. This plant, considered a pioneer species, is useful in reforestation in challenging environments and is also appreciated as an [...]

Manna ash The Manna Tree 🌳🍯2024-08-02T17:37:10+02:00

Marsh-marigold Yellow flowers like gold 🌼☘️


Marsh-marigold Yellow flowers like gold The Marsh-marigold (Caltha palustris) belongs to the Ranunculaceae family. This lovely plant blooms as early as the end of winter, even when there is still snow. Its shiny golden flowers and glossy green brighten up the environments where it thrives: along the edges of meadows, beside streams, in marshes, and in forests, always in very moist places. It can be found from lowlands up to over 2000 meters in altitude. The plants continue to flower until late summer. The flowers can reach a diameter of 5 cm and have about 100 stamens. The dark green, [...]

Marsh-marigold Yellow flowers like gold 🌼☘️2024-08-02T17:37:26+02:00

Small tortoiseshell


Small tortoiseshell One of the most common European butterflies The Small tortoiseshell (Aglais urticae) is a butterfly with bright colors - brick-red with black and yellow-orange patches alternated, adorned with a series of blue spots on the wing edges. It belongs to the Ninphalydae family and is widespread in Europe, particularly in mountainous regions, even at high altitudes. The yellow and black caterpillars feed on nettles. During winter, the adult butterflies go into a sort of hibernation , often found inside buildings or houses. And it is one of the first butterflies to wake up at the end of winter. [...]

Small tortoiseshell2023-07-21T14:26:19+02:00

🌼 At San Michele Farm, the installations 🌱 are bearing fruit, or rather… flowers! 🌺🌼


At San Michele Farm, the installations are bearing fruit, or rather... flowers! LIFE Programme #LIFEprogramme #LIFEproject #EUpollinators #impollinatori #pollinators LIFE 4 Pollinators LIFE Greenchange Life BEEadapt LifeGate Ca' Foscari Sostenibile United Nations Biodiversity LovePlantLife Seeds Seedball ConservePlants

🌼 At San Michele Farm, the installations 🌱 are bearing fruit, or rather… flowers! 🌺🌼2024-08-02T17:37:54+02:00

Field maple 🌳🍁


Field maple Fruits with wings The field maple (Acer campestre, Aceraceae family) is a tree that reaches 12 meters in height (sometimes even 20 meters) but is usually smaller, similar to a large shrub. In May, the small yellow-green flowers appear, clustered in corymbs (inflorescences similar to umbrellas). The fruits of these trees have some kind of wings that allow the seeds to move away from the parent plant. The field maple is common in mixed deciduous woods, in hilly areas and in low mountains. It is also used for the formation of hedges, as it tolerates pruning very well, [...]

Field maple 🌳🍁2024-08-02T17:38:09+02:00

Common Bugle


Common Bugle St. Lawrence plant The bugle (scientific name Ajuga reptans) is also known as St. Lawrence plant. This small plant belongs to the Lamiaceae family (Labiatae) and reaches a height of 10-20 cm. In spring In spring, it produces numerous runners or creeping stems with roots from the base of the stem, allowing it to spread widely in damp meadows and form dense carpets of blue flowers and shiny green leaves. From May to August the inflorescences appear about 15 cm tall, with beautiful blue-violet flowers, suffused with white. Pollination takes place via insects . Did you know? The [...]

Common Bugle2023-07-13T09:24:13+02:00

Clytus arietis


Clytus arietis Clytus arietis It's all a trick! This insect belongs to the Cerambycidae family, or beetles with long horns. It has a vibrant coloration that imitates that of wasps : this way he protects himself from predators, even if the insect isn't actually dangerous at all. The larvae live in dead wood and the adults are often seen on the edges of forests. It feeds on the pollen of numerous flower species Clytus arietis is a common species throughout much of Europe. Did you know? This insect also mimics wasps in behavior: it runs in all directions on tree [...]

Clytus arietis2023-07-13T09:11:38+02:00
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