December 2023

Viper’s Bugloss


Viper's Bugloss For snakebites... This wild plant, Echium vulgare, belongs to the Boraginaceae family. It grows on dry and bright soils, from plains to mid-mountains. The stems can grow up to almost a meter tall. The flowers are arranged in spike inflorescences and are bell-shaped . Their color changes from pink, before blooming, to a beautiful violet-blue when in full bloom. The flowers of the viper's bugloss are highly sought after by bees , both for pollen and nectar, due to their long blooming period from April to September; excellent monofloral honey can be produced from them. Did you know? [...]

Viper’s Bugloss2023-12-29T10:29:51+01:00

🎄✨ This Christmas, we want to share with you a magical and educational moment


This Christmas, we want to share with you a magical and educational moment: these young students are exploring the educational booklet from LIFE PollinAction about pollinating insects! Every page of these booklets is a journey into the wonderful life of insects that help bloom our world. We wish all of you a peaceful Christmas and a New Year full of discoveries and adventures!

🎄✨ This Christmas, we want to share with you a magical and educational moment2024-08-02T17:34:18+02:00

Argynnis paphia


Argynnis paphia Silver-washed Fritillary This butterfly belongs to the family Nymphalidae. It has a wingspan of up to 75 mm, with characteristic orange and golden hues on the upper side of its wings. It is found throughout most of Europe, as well as a large part of Asia up to Japan and in northern Africa; it can be found up to 1800 m in the Alps . From late June to early September, the Silver-washed Fritillaries fly along the edges of forests, over meadows, in clearings, and along forest paths, preferring to settle on thistles . The caterpillars prefer woodland [...]

Argynnis paphia2023-12-22T11:51:28+01:00

European hornbeam


European hornbeam A rustic and adaptable tree The European hornbeam (Carpinus betulus) is a tree that reaches over 20 meters in height, with gray bark and a dense, rounded crown . It is found in oak and beech forests, from the plains up to 900 meters in altitude. In April and May, male and female inflorescences appear. The leaves turn a bright yellow color in the fall and remain on the tree during winter, making the European hornbeam suitable for windbreak barriers. It is also suitable for creating hedges and for thickening and replenishing mixed forests. Did you know? The [...]

European hornbeam2023-12-22T11:43:22+01:00

Water Speedwell 🌿🌸🪷


Water Speedwell This plant, belonging to the Plantaginaceae family (scientific name Veronica anagallis-aquatica), grows along the banks of streams, in ditches, and in damp areas with shallow and not too stagnant waters. It can sprawl over the water and carpet the surface or grow in height up to 1 meter; in fact, it can also thrive outside of water, as long as there is ample humidity. The delicate flowers , arranged in long inflorescences of 20-60 flowers, create beautiful patches of blue or lilac color during the summer. The entire Veronica genus is easily recognizable by the four-lobed corolla of [...]

Water Speedwell 🌿🌸🪷2024-08-02T17:34:28+02:00
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