Violet carpenter bee
The Violet carpenter bee (Xylocopa violacea) is a large solitary bee of the Apidae family. It is up to 3-4 centimeters long and its body is entirely black and hairy, with electric blue highlights on the wings. Its flight is fast and noisy .
Carpenter bees do not form colonies but prefer to live alone. Females dig tunnels in soft or rotten wood to build their nests, even in the roof beams of houses. For this characteristic they are called “carpenter”.
They are found in gardens, meadows and flowering bushes, even on the edge of woods. Both adults and larvae feed on nectar and pollen collected on fruit trees.
Did you know?
It has a robust sting and is often confused with the European hornet , but its sting is much less painful. The use of the sting does not cause the death of the bee, unlike what happens for common bees.
Photo Pixabay.