Black alder ?

The wood of Venice
The black alder (Alnus glutinosa) is a tree that can reach a height of 20-25 meters. It loves to live in damp places, it is found along rivers and streams and in swampy woods.
Its roots host bacteria capable of fixing atmospheric nitrogen which is thus transmitted to the soil. In this way the black alder performs a real reclamation and also serves to consolidate landslide banks and slopes subject to landslides.
Bloom ? takes place in spring, in the form of male inflorescences, long and pendulous, and female inflorescences, small in tufts. Pollination takes place mostly by the wind, but sometimes also by bees ?.
The wood is very resistant to water: Venice is built on foundations of alder piles.
⁉️ Did you know? ?
Black alder in the oldest tradition was considered “the devil’s house” because its wood, which is orange when it is cut, then stains red, just as if it were bleeding ??.
Photo Pixabay.