Argynnis paphia

Silver-washed Fritillary ?
This butterfly belongs to the family Nymphalidae. It has a wingspan of up to 75 mm, with characteristic orange and golden hues on the upper side of its wings.
It is found throughout most of Europe, as well as a large part of Asia up to Japan and in northern Africa; it can be found up to 1800 m in the Alps ?️.
From late June to early September, the Silver-washed Fritillaries fly along the edges of forests, over meadows, in clearings, and along forest paths, preferring to settle on thistles ???.
The caterpillars ? prefer woodland violets.
⁉️ Did you know? ?
The black stripes on the forewings of the males are actually scent scales. During courtship, the male rubs his wings against the female’s antennae to let her perceive his scent ?.
Photo Pixabay