Scorpion senna ??

This shrub (scientific name Emerus major or Coronilla emerus, Fabaceae family) reaches a maximum height of 2 meters and has highly branched slender stems. The flowers are showy, light yellow in color, ? grouped in 2-3 in inflorescences. They are highly sought after by bees, bumblebees ?, and other insects that extract nectar and pollen from them.
The fruits are brown, ? curved legumes. This shrub grows in dry and warm soils in sparse woods, shrublands, and on rocky slopes. It can be used in conjunction with other species for environmental restoration projects.
⁉️ Did you know? ?
This plant is used for nitrogen soil improvement, as it is in symbiosis with Rhizobium leguminosarum bacteria, which can transform atmospheric nitrogen into a form easily assimilated by plants ?.
Foto Isidre blanc, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons.