The Region’s Biodiversity Service has launched the action to enhance stable meadows, treasure troves of biodiversity and valuable habitats, both from a naturalistic and an economic point of view.
The aim? To support the development of short supply chains to obtain local products of the highest quality such as milk, cheese, meat, honey and much more, utilising resources from stable meadows such as hay, nectar, pollen and seeds.
The workshop to present the results of the first phase of the development of the Prati Stabili FVG supply chains, organised as part of the LIFE PollinAction project, will take place on Saturday 25 May 2024 in San Quirino (PN).
From 09.30 to 13.00 we will talk about the supply chains of permanent meadows. This will be followed by a tasting of typical products and, from 3.00 pm, a guided tour of the flowering meadows of the San Quirino Regional Natural Biotope and the “Magredi del Cellina” Special Conservation Area.
If you are a farmer, processor, beekeeper or simply a citizen interested in this topic, do not miss it!
The workshop will take place at the Documentation and Cataloguing Centre for the Flora and Fauna of the Magredi, Via Montereale n. 21, San Quirino (PN).
If you would like to find out more, please also visit the Events of the Region page and the website