On Saturday, May 25th, in the beautiful setting of the Magredi Cataloging Center of the Municipality of San Quirino (PN), a promotional day for the project to develop the stable meadows supply chains ?? was held as part of the LIFE PollinAction EU project. Special thanks to all the speakers who joined us remotely: Edy Fantinato representing Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Raffaella Ponzio from Slow Food Italy, Paolo Fontana, an entomologist and expert in sustainable beekeeping, and Andrea Ferrario who spoke about the flower supply chain in Lombardy. Thanks to the many speakers present and who participated in the room, but most importantly, to everyone who attended and the local businesses that offered tastings of their delicious products ????? to give us the right energy for the excursion to the stable meadows of the San Quirino Magredi Biotope ????, a treasure trove of biodiversity and beauty. In total, we were more than a hundred.
For those who couldn’t attend and want to know more ➡️ www.pratistabilifvg.it