Polistes gallicus

The House of Paper 🏠🐝

This paper wasp (Polistes gallicus, family Vespidae) is very common in Europe. It is smaller than other species of wasps and has a black body with thin yellow stripes.
It is a “paper wasp” because its nest has a consistency similar to cardboard, made from a secretion of saliva and chewed plant fibers. Typically, the nest is suspended from a rock or under the eaves of houses by a stalk; it is very sturdy and can support several kilograms of tension!
The wasp is omnivorous and feeds on fruits, nectar 🌸, insects, snails, etc.
⁉️ Did you know? 😲
When it’s too hot 🥵, to cool the nest, the wasp rapidly flaps its wings to create a refreshing breeze; or it fetches water droplets 💦 to spread over the nest!
Photo Pixabay