Privet Hawk Moth

A winged sphinx…🦋
The Privet Hawk Moth (Sphinx ligustri) is a beautiful moth belonging to the Sphingidae family. The forewings are grayish-brown, while the hindwings display a pinkish color with black stripes. Black and reddish stripes also alternate on its abdomen.
As its name suggests, its caterpillar 🐛 lives on privet 🌳, but it can also be found on olive trees and other plants.
These moths love warm, bushy environments. They are active after dusk 🌜, while during the day, they remain hidden among the foliage.
In autumn, the caterpillars burrow into the soil, where they create small cells to transform into pupae. They spend the winter underground and undergo metamorphosis when the warmer season arrives.
⁉️ Did you know? 😲
The name “Sphinx” comes from the position the caterpillar takes when it feels threatened 😡: it freezes with its head raised, mimicking the famous Sphinx statue.
Photo ErRu, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons