Project at a glace2023-03-13T11:45:59+01:00

Life PollinAction
in summary

Coordinating Beneficiary Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
Associated Beneficiaries
  • Regione Autonoma Friuli-Venezia Giulia
  • Regione del Veneto – Direzione Agroambiente, programmazione e gestione ittica e faunistico venatoria
  • Agenzia veneta per l’innovazione nel settore primario – Veneto Agricoltura
  • Comune di Caldogno
  • Concessioni Autostradali Venete – CAV S.p.A.
  • Centro de Investigación y Tecnología Agroalimentaria de Aragón
  • ALBATROS S.r.l.
  • EcorNaturaSì SPA
  • SELC soc. coop.
Objective Pollination crisis mitigation
Method Strategic planning and implementation of Green Infrastructure to increase the heterogeneity of rural and urban landscapes
Total budget € 3.293.690,00
EU contribution € 1.811.532,00 (55% of total budget))
Beneficiaries’ contribution € 1.482.158,00 (45% of total budget)
Start date September 2020
End date March 2025
Conversion of arable crops into species-rich meadows (sqm) 150,000
Enrichment of species-poor meadows (sqm) 2,350,000
Creation of species rich flower strips (sqm) 70,000
Creation of species-rich shrub assemblages (ha) 20,000
Creation of species-rich hedges (m) 14,000
Number of native herbaceous plant seedlings 357,000
Number of native woody shrubs seedlings 28,200
Production of seeds (kg) 150
Involved Municipalities 6
Involved farms 15
Natura 2000 sites included 5
Technical Guidelines for the creation of habitats for pollinators 1
GIS database of species-rich lowland grasslands in Veneto and Friuli-Venezia Giulia 1
Technical guideline for the identification of species-rich donor grasslands 1
Creation of production chain 2
Quantitative database on Ecosystem Services 1
Designing of Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES) schemes 2
Designing of close-to-market solutions 2
Leaflets (Ita-Span) 9.000
Installation of educational notice boards 65
Project video 1
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