Eucera longicornis

Tricked by an orchid ??

This bee belongs to the Anthophoridae family; it is a solitary bee, that is, it does not possess any form of social life. Each female bee builds her own nest where she lays her eggs. Eucera longicornis often nests in groups on the ground.

It is a medium-large bee (14-16 mm); the males are distinguished by the exceptional length of their antennae.

There are several species of Eucera very similar to each other, especially in the Mediterranean area.

⁉️ Did you know? ?

Ophrys apifera is an orchid that attracts Eucera males for pollination, producing odorous substances very similar to female pheromones, and even imitating the shape of a female bee! ???

LIFE Programme United Nations Biodiversity

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#eucera #pollinators #bees

Photo by Alvesgaspar – Opera propria, CC BY-SA 3.0,