The Painted lady

A great migrant ??
The Painted lady (Vanessa cardui) is a splendid butterfly that belongs to the Nymphalidae family. With a lively livery, it has a wingspan of about 54-60 mm, with bright and variegated colors on the front face of the wings.
It’s found all over the world and it’s a long-range migratory butterfly ✈️. In Europe these butterflies come from North Africa in thousands, in April and May, but adults can’t make it through the rigors of winter.
The Painted lady feeds on the nectar of many species of flowers ?? and is widespread in different types of habitats.
Caterpillars ? feed on thistles and occasionally artichokes.
⁉️ Did you know? ?
The Painted lady is able to fly over even the high peaks of the Alps ?️. It has an extraordinary resistance to flight: individuals cover distances of 1000 km!
Photo Pixabay