Hemp agrimony
Hemp agrimony (scientific name Eupatorium cannabinum) is a large and beautiful perennial plant of the Asteraceae family, typically growing over 90 cm tall. Its name derives from the resemblance of its leaves to those of common hemp, although they are not related.
The stems are reddish, and the tiny flowers are antique pink , lightly fragrant, clustered in heads to form large inflorescences. Pollination occurs through bees and butterflies
These plants add splashes of color along rivers, in marshy areas, and in the forests of wetlands. In fact, their presence in an understory is an indicator of soil moisture.
Did you know?
The leaves have healing properties: it was said that even deer used them to treat their wounds.
#LIFEprogramme #LIFEproject #EUpollinators #Natura2000
#Eupatorium #Hempagrimony #pollinators #bees
Photo Pixabay