Viper’s Bugloss

For snakebites… ??
This wild plant, Echium vulgare, belongs to the Boraginaceae family. It grows on dry and bright soils, from plains to mid-mountains. The stems can grow up to almost a meter tall. The flowers are arranged in spike inflorescences and are bell-shaped ?. Their color changes from pink, before blooming, to a beautiful violet-blue when in full bloom.
The flowers of the viper’s bugloss are highly sought after by bees ?, both for pollen and nectar, due to their long blooming period from April to September; excellent monofloral honey ? can be produced from them.
⁉️ Did you know? ?
The name “viper’s bugloss” refers to the ancient belief, dating back to the time of the Greeks, that this plant could cure snakebites ?.
Photo Pixabay