St. John’s Wort

To treat… wounds ❤️‍?⚔️
St. John’s Wort (Hypericum perforatum, Hypericaceae family) includes numerous varieties, similar to each other. The beautiful yellow flowers have five petals and numerous stamens ?
These plants grow solitary or in colonies, forming in this case beautiful patches of golden yellow mixed with reddish; in fact, the flowers last little, after a day they are already withered, they become felted and turn rusty red in color.
St. John’s Wort grows at the edges of woods, along hedges, in grassy places, and along roadsides. It is visited by numerous species of pollinating insects ???
The leaves ? when observed against the light appear dotted with translucent spots that look like holes.
⁉️ Did you know? ?
During the crusades ⚔️, the knights of St. John of Jerusalem used to treat the wounds ❤️‍? of the fighters with St. John’s Wort. According to the ancient doctrine of signs, since its leaves appeared as if pierced by perforations, it was considered capable of healing wounds, especially those sustained in battle.
Photo Pixabay