Greater celandine The plant… of swallows ??

The greater celandine (Chelidonium majus, family Papaveraceae) is a perennial plant often found on ruins, along hedgerows, and in cool, shady places. It belongs to the poppy family and also contains toxic alkaloids.
The flowers are golden yellow ? and bloom from May to September; they have four petals arranged in a cross that attract pollinating insects ??.
The plant contains within its green parts a pungent yellow latex that was used to remove calluses and warts. The name celandine derives from the Greek word chelidôn, swallow, perhaps because, according to ancient legends, swallows would treat their young’s eyes ? with the plant’s latex…
⁉️ Did you know? ?
In the Middle Ages, alchemists believed it had supernatural powers and it was an indispensable ingredient for the creation of the philosopher’s stone ??‍♂️.
Photo Pixabay