Narrow-leaved Ash. The Manna Tree ??

The narrow-leaved ash (Fraxinus angustifolia) distinguishes itself from the common ash (Fraxinus excelsior) primarily by its smaller size (reaching up to 20-25 meters in height) and less slender posture. Its habitat is Mediterranean, encompassing southeastern Europe.
The flowers ?, inconspicuous, appear before the leaves and are grouped in panicles. Its fruits are the so-called samaras, composed of a seed wrapped in a kind of wing.
The narrow-leaved ash thrives in lowland areas on moist and marshy soils, even enduring occasional water stagnation.
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The narrow-leaved ash can exude a sweetish liquid, “manna” ?, from cracks in its bark; the liquid contains an alcohol, mannitol, which can be turned into a slightly laxative syrup.
Photo Luis Fernández García, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons